
By now I'm sure that y'all have heard that President Trump has mandated all churches essential. That means we're starting our NEW SERVICE TIMES @ 9:00AM & 10:30AM. However, things are not quite as usual. For example:

GUIDELINES: Although we are free to meet as a church, that doesn't mean it's necessarily safe for everyone. Here are some things to consider for your own safety: 1) PROXIMITY - We trust that everyone will let others know their comfort level with proximity. However, I do not see the "6-foot" rule being observed by every person. And we will not be enforcing it in the auditorium by moving chairs apart from one another (families need to sit together). 2) MASKS - Some will be wearing masks, some will not. For instance, I will not be wearing a mask and many of the people who are on the worship team will not be wearing a mask. 3) CLEANING - We will be routinely cleaning high-traffic touch points. However, the bathrooms will not be cleaned after each use. Again, please consider these things when deciding if now is a safe time for you to gather. 

FC KIDS: Because we are in PHASE-2 as a state, we will attempt to follow those guidelines as much as possible in all kid related things. That means we will not have FC KIDS as normal. For the time being, all parents will have to treat our services as "Family Style" (meaning bring your kids into the auditorium and keep them with you for the whole service). We realize how difficult this will be for some, but if you are willing to deal with the distractions we will deal with them too. Also, Pastor Tracy will be creating "Activity Bags" for the kids to help keep them occupied. And, as usual, she will continue to post great lessons and other stuff on our FCKIDS Instagram channel, so don’t forget to check that out.

FC COFFEE: We will have barista's preparing coffee's for sale, like americano's, espresso's, and latte's. However, the community coffee pots are considered too big of a health risk at this point because of all the touch points, so we won't have those out. For those who don't know, all coffee sales are used to support our Guatemala Mission Team, and because of Covid-19, our trip has been canceled for this year. However, we are still looking to support our partner organization in Guatemala, La Misón, with all of the funds raised from our coffee sales. So please come support our Guatemala efforts and purchase a coffee on Sunday. Or if you'd prefer, stop by your favorite coffee stand or shop along the way. Just come knowing the typical "Free Coffee" pots won't be out.

MESSAGE VIDEOS: At FOLLOWERSCHURCH, one of the biggest changes taking place is that our primary teaching each week will now be via the MESSAGE VIDEOS. That means, we will email everyone in the church our MESSAGE VIDEO on Friday's @ 4:00PM. This will give everyone plenty of time to watch the MESSAGE VIDEO before coming on Sunday mornings. On Sunday's we will still have the same format as usual, with worship and a teaching, but the teaching will be structured a bit differently. (To receive the MESSAGE VIDEOS, register via Flocknote (www.flocknote.com/followerschurch).

That probably doesn't answer all of your questions, but hopefully it answers a few big ones. For those who have more, just email me directly at Matt.King@FollowersChurch.Life and I will do my best. Lastly, we know that are many who are not ready to gather as a church. That’s totally ok! For those who are still in a PHASE-1 mindset, take your time. We will be here when you’re ready. We love you guys and are looking forward to being together again!


Originally, Christians were first referred to as, “followers of the way.” This alluded to a way of living that Jesus and His followers had become known for, a way of living that actually helped people learn about God, or find Him, while demonstrating how to follow Him. That’s what we want to be known for at Followers Church. Over everything else, we want to be known as followers of Jesus by the way we live our lives, and in doing so, to help others find and follow Jesus.
